Asbestos is a toxic chemical substance that has been used directly or indirectly in hundreds of products across the globe. It is incorrect and inappropriate for human beings to have excessive exposure to asbestos. This might result in malignant mesothelioma -– a rare cancer that affects the lining of the lungs, abdomen or heart -– and other diseases.
It is amazing to find that, asbestos has still not been entirely banned in the United States, and Americans continue to risk exposure to this dangerous fiber.
If you feel that you have been exhibiting symptoms of mesothelioma (like shortness of breath, pain in the chest or back region, swelling in the abdomen, difficulty swallowing, cough, fever, sweating, fatigue, and weight loss.), it is important for you to consult your doctor immediately. There are various methods that are available for treating the victims of mesothelioma.
They are either direct methods or alternative methods. Some of the direct methods are Surgery-both Aggressive and Pallative, Chemotherapy, Radiation therapy etc. Immunoagumentive Therapy (IAT), Gene Therapy, Intraoperative Photodynamic Therapy (IPT) etc. are some of the commonly practiced alternative methods.
Also one can take the help of Support Groups, which are available to help sufferers deal with the challenges that they are facing. A recent publication says that over 20% of Americans have participated in some type of self-help group. There are mainly two types of support groups that are available namely- online support groups and community centred support groups.
If you have already been diagnosed with mesothelioma it is important for you to have a positive frame of mind and keep yourself well informed about the latest medical developments that has taken place pertaining to this field. Also as a victim of the Asbestos industry you can have certain legal and social claims. The following propositions can be considered if you are a victim of Mesothelioma caused due to negligent asbestos exposure.
1. Legal Aid and Financial Compensation
People who contract the disease must be absolutely sure that the cause for the same was asbestos exposure and then take steps to get the right legal counsel. Once the legal counsel has been retained the law will ensure that he or she gets the compensation for employers negligence if any.
2. Claim from the Asbestos Industry
Mesothelioma victims have the option to claim large monetary compensation from the asbestos industry. These claims can go into the millions of dollars depending on the rights and cause of the claims. A Law firm that specializes in mesothelioma cases ensures that the families of victims gets ample compensation.
3. Claim Social Security Disability
Victims can claim social security disability after getting advice from an attorney that specializes in these cases.
4. Disability Insurance
You are legally entailed to claim disability insurance if you have disability insurance either privately procured, within your life insurance policy or through your employer.
5.Worker's Compensation
It is one of the core responsibilities of an employer to take care of its employees. Thus, even while the victim takes legal action against the asbestos industry he or she can simultaneously claim workers compensation for being 'disabled' during work. A lawyer who has experience in the asbestos industry should handle this sort of claim.
6. Health Insurance
A victim of mesothelioma can incur huge medical bills due to the expensive nature of treatment that’s required for the treatment of this disease. If a victim is admitted to the hospital he or she should talk to the Discharge Planner or other personnel who can help with hospice and hospital coverage. Laws cover medial treatments and action can be taken health insurance company if they fail to provide proper coverage. Again it is imperative to ensure that the victim employs a proper legal representative.
About the author:
Did you know that mesothelioma symptoms are hard to detect? Find out why by visiting
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Mesothelioma Lung Cancer

Mesothelioma the medical name for cancer of the lung or the abdomen lining, and is usually caused by exposure to asbestos.
Asbestos is a type of building material used in thermal insulation products and ceiling tiles. Asbestos usage peaked during the 1950s - 1970s, but during the late 1960s, concerns over the health consequences of asbestos exposure began to arise, thereby decreasing the amount of asbestos manufactured over the following two decades. But even though new measures where brought in to get rid of it, many schools and public buildings still contain asbestos.
Small asbestos fibers that enter the air do not evaporate and can remain suspended in the air for a long time. These fibers, when breathed into the body, are toxic. The people most at risk are :-
People working in factories that manufacture asbestos are likely to have a high exposure to asbestos and are most at risk of developing asbestosis or mesothelioma.
Family members of workers exposed to asbestos in the workplace are susceptible to exposure from asbestos dust brought home by the worker on his clothes or skin.
Those of you not familiar with the latest on mesothelioma now have at least a basic understanding. But there's more to come.
Those who live in the vicinity of an asbestos manufacturing plant are also at risk.
Symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear until between twenty and fifty years after exposure, which explains why so many new cases of this form of cancer are coming to light now. Many people who haven't been in contact with asbestos for
decades, are now showing symptoms of this dreadful desease.
As with many forms of cancer, mesothelioma can spread rapidly. Symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing, loss of weight, and chest pains. If it is diagnosed early enough, the tumor can be surgically removed, and with chemotherapy and radiation treatment, a full recovery is often possible.
However, in more advanced cases, cure is usually not possible. In such cases, chemotherapy and radiation treatment can be used alongside other pain relief treatments, to ease the symptoms. Where cure is not possible, the average survival time is between four and eighteen months, depending on the stage of the tumor and the general health of the patient.
I was prompted to write about mesothelioma because as a child I lived near a factory which produced asbestos, and I personally know families who have suffered due to this terrible disease.
Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your he
Mesothelioma Cancer
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Asbestos Related Disease
Asbestos is used in over 3000 modern products and most people have suffered at least some degree of exposure to it at one point or another. Most asbestos exposure is limited to minute portions of well maintained building materials such as concrete, insulation and siding. Regular maintenance of these materials is important for preventing asbestos from degenerating into airborne fibers. Unfortunately, because asbestos is so widespread, it is impossible to compute the damage that even a small quantity can cause.
The lightweight nature of the asbestos particle facilitates airborne spreading of these deadly carcinogens. This is why most asbestos-related diseases affect the respiratory system. These are incurable diseases. Even tiny amounts of asbestos can inflict irreversible damage as symptoms usually only emerge 20 to 30 years down the road.
Mesothelioma, Asbestosis and lung cancer are consequences of prolonged asbestos exposure. Any contact with asbestos merits immediate medical consultation because treatment options and survival rates are greatly improved the earlier they’re detected. Unfortunately most asbestos-related conditions don’t show symptoms until the disease is terminally advanced. Most patients diagnosed with an asbestos-related condition rarely survive more than 18 months after diagnosis.
For more information on asbestos related diseases and mesothelioma please visit .
About the author:
This article may be freely re-printed as long as this resource box and all links stay intact.
The lightweight nature of the asbestos particle facilitates airborne spreading of these deadly carcinogens. This is why most asbestos-related diseases affect the respiratory system. These are incurable diseases. Even tiny amounts of asbestos can inflict irreversible damage as symptoms usually only emerge 20 to 30 years down the road.
Mesothelioma, Asbestosis and lung cancer are consequences of prolonged asbestos exposure. Any contact with asbestos merits immediate medical consultation because treatment options and survival rates are greatly improved the earlier they’re detected. Unfortunately most asbestos-related conditions don’t show symptoms until the disease is terminally advanced. Most patients diagnosed with an asbestos-related condition rarely survive more than 18 months after diagnosis.
For more information on asbestos related diseases and mesothelioma please visit .
About the author:
This article may be freely re-printed as long as this resource box and all links stay intact.
Mesothelioma Info
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Just How Dangerous is Asbestos?
With the increase in the number of lung cancer cases in recent years, it is vitally important to educate ourselves on the risks and consequences of asbestos exposure which accounts for over 80% of all mesothelioma cancer cases; a form of cancer, caused by asbestos exposure, that can affect the lungs (Pleural form), abdomen (Peritoneal form), and even the membrane around the heart.. A hefty 2000 new cases are being diagnosed every year according to the National Cancer Institute, and that number is on the rise. This leaves the question to be asked...
Just how dangerous is asbestos exposure?
Significant exposure to any type of asbestos will increase the risk of lung cancer, mesothelioma and nonmalignant lung and pleural disorders, including asbestosis, pleural plaques, pleural thickening, and pleural effusions. This is based on observations of these diseases in groups of workers with cumulative exposures ranging from about 5 to 1,200 fiber-year/mL. The conclusion is supported by results from animal and mechanistic studies.
Tobacco smokers who have been exposed to asbestos have a "far greater-than-additive" risk for lung cancer than do nonsmokers who have been exposed, meaning the risk is greater than the individual risks from asbestos and smoking added together. The time between diagnosis of mesothelioma and the time of initial occupational exposure to asbestos commonly has been 30 years or more.
Asbestos Facts:
1. When asbestos fibers are inhaled, most fibers are expelled, but some can become lodged in the lungs and remain there throughout life. Fibers can accumulate and cause scarring and inflammation. Enough scarring and inflammation can affect breathing, leading to disease.
2. People are more likely to experience asbestos-related disorders when they are exposed to high concentrations of asbestos, are exposed for longer periods of time, and/or are exposed more often.
3. Inhaling longer, more durable asbestos fibers (such as tremolite and other amphiboles) contributes to the severity of asbestos-related disorders.
4. Exposure to asbestos, including tremolite, can increase the likelihood of lung cancer, mesothelioma, and non-malignant lung conditions such as asbestosis (restricted use of the lungs due to retained asbestos fibers) and changes in the lung lining.
5. Changes in the lining of the lungs (pleura) such as thickening, plaques, calcification, and fluid around the lungs (pleural effusion) may be early signs of asbestos exposure. These changes can affect breathing more than previously thought. Pleural effusion can be an early warning sign for mesothelioma (cancer of the lining of the lungs).
6. Most cases of asbestosis or lung cancer in workers occurred 15 years or more after the person was first exposed to asbestos.
7. Most cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed 30 years or more after the first exposure to asbestos.
8. Mesothelioma has been diagnosed in asbestos workers, family members, and residents who live close to asbestos mines.
9. Health effects from asbestos exposure may continue to progress even after exposure is stopped.
10. Smoking or cigarette smoke, together with exposure to asbestos, greatly increases the likelihood of lung cancer.
Signs and Symptoms of asbestosis can include:
Shortness of breath which is the primary symptom
A persistent and productive cough (a cough that expels mucus)
Chest tightness
Chest pain Loss of appetite
A dry, crackling sound in the lungs while inhaling.
If you suspect that you have been exposed to asbestos, speak with your physician immediately and discuss your level of exposure. Early detection of mesothelioma increases your chances immeasurably.
You can get more information about mesothelioma and find helpful information and resources here:
About the author:
Mike Andrews is a research specialist who writes informative and news worthy articles for public distribution. These works stand to improve public relations and brand identity for the companies they represent.
Just how dangerous is asbestos exposure?
Significant exposure to any type of asbestos will increase the risk of lung cancer, mesothelioma and nonmalignant lung and pleural disorders, including asbestosis, pleural plaques, pleural thickening, and pleural effusions. This is based on observations of these diseases in groups of workers with cumulative exposures ranging from about 5 to 1,200 fiber-year/mL. The conclusion is supported by results from animal and mechanistic studies.
Tobacco smokers who have been exposed to asbestos have a "far greater-than-additive" risk for lung cancer than do nonsmokers who have been exposed, meaning the risk is greater than the individual risks from asbestos and smoking added together. The time between diagnosis of mesothelioma and the time of initial occupational exposure to asbestos commonly has been 30 years or more.
Asbestos Facts:
1. When asbestos fibers are inhaled, most fibers are expelled, but some can become lodged in the lungs and remain there throughout life. Fibers can accumulate and cause scarring and inflammation. Enough scarring and inflammation can affect breathing, leading to disease.
2. People are more likely to experience asbestos-related disorders when they are exposed to high concentrations of asbestos, are exposed for longer periods of time, and/or are exposed more often.
3. Inhaling longer, more durable asbestos fibers (such as tremolite and other amphiboles) contributes to the severity of asbestos-related disorders.
4. Exposure to asbestos, including tremolite, can increase the likelihood of lung cancer, mesothelioma, and non-malignant lung conditions such as asbestosis (restricted use of the lungs due to retained asbestos fibers) and changes in the lung lining.
5. Changes in the lining of the lungs (pleura) such as thickening, plaques, calcification, and fluid around the lungs (pleural effusion) may be early signs of asbestos exposure. These changes can affect breathing more than previously thought. Pleural effusion can be an early warning sign for mesothelioma (cancer of the lining of the lungs).
6. Most cases of asbestosis or lung cancer in workers occurred 15 years or more after the person was first exposed to asbestos.
7. Most cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed 30 years or more after the first exposure to asbestos.
8. Mesothelioma has been diagnosed in asbestos workers, family members, and residents who live close to asbestos mines.
9. Health effects from asbestos exposure may continue to progress even after exposure is stopped.
10. Smoking or cigarette smoke, together with exposure to asbestos, greatly increases the likelihood of lung cancer.
Signs and Symptoms of asbestosis can include:
Shortness of breath which is the primary symptom
A persistent and productive cough (a cough that expels mucus)
Chest tightness
Chest pain Loss of appetite
A dry, crackling sound in the lungs while inhaling.
If you suspect that you have been exposed to asbestos, speak with your physician immediately and discuss your level of exposure. Early detection of mesothelioma increases your chances immeasurably.
You can get more information about mesothelioma and find helpful information and resources here:
About the author:
Mike Andrews is a research specialist who writes informative and news worthy articles for public distribution. These works stand to improve public relations and brand identity for the companies they represent.
Mesothelioma Information
Sunday, November 16, 2008
What are some coping strategies found useful by mesothelioma victims?
Mesothelioma is such a disease that affects not only the person diagnosed with the disease, but his or her loved ones, too. The intention to write this article is to offer some resource for patients and their families who are living with this disease. Coping with mesothelioma, unlike other types of cancer, can be significantly difficult. There are few support groups specifically available for mesothelioma. These are quite often informal groups of people who reside in the same area or who occasionally meet each other in doctors' chambers or hospital waiting rooms. There are larger and more organized support groups for cancer sufferers in general but not for mesothelioma sufferers in specific.
Let’s see how this support groups operates.
Support Groups
The main job of the support groups is to help people, deal with the challenges that they are facing. It is known that over 20% of Americans have participated in some type of self-help group. There are mainly two types of support groups that are available. They are online support groups and community centred support groups. Nowadays in an era of internet the number of online support groups is gradually increasing. It is possible that a support group exists in your community or on-line that can help to provide you the required support.
Support groups may provide several benefits:
• A social platform for getting connected with others who are facing similar situations.
• A platform to know how others have coped with challenges similar to the ones you are facing presently.
• A safe, non-judgmental atmosphere where one can share feelings.
• The reassurance that you are not alone, there are other’s too who have either suffered in the past or is undergoing the same presently.
• A platform where you can reliably share information.
• A source of reliable Support from others who understand from personal experience what you are going through
Incidentally there are different types of support groups that are available. This includes groups with strong focus on a particular disease such as mesothelioma, groups of caregivers, and family-centered groups.
Some of the Characteristics of a successful group are as follows:
• A mix of participants from various age groups.
• Honesty of purpose
• A caring atmosphere
• A sense of trust should prevail among members
• A good facilitator
• Members should abide by the group rules, including confidentiality.
Apart from joining support groups, a patient should be encouraged by his family members to remain relaxed and try to focus on the bright side of the life. A patient should not feel depressed and emotionally drained. The family members or the caregivers should create a healing environment and encourage the patient to think positive. There are lots of inspirational books that tell how people are fighting mesothelioma and other life-threatening diseases. Meditation is another way to keep your mind distracted from morbid thoughts and tension.
About the author:
Did you know that mesothelioma is hard to detect? Find out why by visiting
Let’s see how this support groups operates.
Support Groups
The main job of the support groups is to help people, deal with the challenges that they are facing. It is known that over 20% of Americans have participated in some type of self-help group. There are mainly two types of support groups that are available. They are online support groups and community centred support groups. Nowadays in an era of internet the number of online support groups is gradually increasing. It is possible that a support group exists in your community or on-line that can help to provide you the required support.
Support groups may provide several benefits:
• A social platform for getting connected with others who are facing similar situations.
• A platform to know how others have coped with challenges similar to the ones you are facing presently.
• A safe, non-judgmental atmosphere where one can share feelings.
• The reassurance that you are not alone, there are other’s too who have either suffered in the past or is undergoing the same presently.
• A platform where you can reliably share information.
• A source of reliable Support from others who understand from personal experience what you are going through
Incidentally there are different types of support groups that are available. This includes groups with strong focus on a particular disease such as mesothelioma, groups of caregivers, and family-centered groups.
Some of the Characteristics of a successful group are as follows:
• A mix of participants from various age groups.
• Honesty of purpose
• A caring atmosphere
• A sense of trust should prevail among members
• A good facilitator
• Members should abide by the group rules, including confidentiality.
Apart from joining support groups, a patient should be encouraged by his family members to remain relaxed and try to focus on the bright side of the life. A patient should not feel depressed and emotionally drained. The family members or the caregivers should create a healing environment and encourage the patient to think positive. There are lots of inspirational books that tell how people are fighting mesothelioma and other life-threatening diseases. Meditation is another way to keep your mind distracted from morbid thoughts and tension.
About the author:
Did you know that mesothelioma is hard to detect? Find out why by visiting
Mesothelioma Info
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